A downloadable sadness for Windows and Linux

  • WASD to move the camera, middle click to pivot, mousewheel to zoom
  • Left Click to select units or place voxels
  • Left Click + Shift to select multiple units
  • Left Click + LCtrl to pick a voxel as the one you're placing
  • Right Click to give selected units orders, or if none are selected, destroy voxels
  • Right Click + Shift to queue orders
  • Press tab to spawn units on the cursor
  • Hold Z to enable rapid placement/destruction of voxels & rapid placement of units
  • Press space to pause/unpause game time
  • Press number keys to hear the sounds of the unfinished ability system, and right click to cancel the ensuing non-existant ability
  • Run your mouse over the unfinished quickslots to see pretty colors (they don't do anything, but they do make a little beep if you click them -- gameplay!)

There's a settings file in the data folder that you can edit to change camera speed, mouse sensitivity, volume, etc. There's also a file there for controls. I didn't have time to make a settings menu (I didn't have time to make the game!)

Made for

Lv. 99 Game Jam 2023!

I decided to make a time based tactics game with a breathing mechanic that would restore stamina needed for actions & moves while advancing time, making it a tradeoff—plus some bonuses for 'taking a deep breath' (filling your stamina bar.)

But of course that's not what we have here. Things went well until the 4th day, the day I implemented the units. I made a spaghetti pasta pizza pie and spent the rest of the jam time trying to untangle it. And now here I am, here you are. Red cubes that can path around. Thanks for playing.

The voxels are technically infinite but the meshing isn't optimized, multithreaded, draw distanced, etc. so you'll likely crash the game if you do too much. That said they're surprisingly fast for what they are. The pathing on the other hand, being part of the nightmare that I spent the latter half of the jam on, is riddled with issues. Careful with large groups of units. And NEVER tell a large group of units to go somewhere impossible. That would be horrible.

Made in Rust using Bevy. All art is by me. Even the red cubes.


scratch-linux.zip 22 MB
scratch-windows.zip 16 MB

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